Supertouch PVC Dot Superthermal Gloves
Packaging: 1 pair per bag - 12 bags per bag - 10 bags per case
Sold In: Pairs
About This Product
In addition to the warmth provided by the Thermolite® and lycra yarn, these Superthermal Gloves also offer enhanced grip courtesy of their PVC dot coating. A premier choice for cold store handling activities.
- Thermolite® & lycra yarn (stretchable)
- Ribbed knit wrist
- Black PVC dot for better grip
- Cat I Minimal Risk
Packaging: 1 pair per bag - 12 bags per bag - 10 bags per case
Sold In: Pairs
- Conforms to EN 388 levels 1-1-4-2-X
- Conforms to EN 511 levels X-1-X